Our Pilgrim Forebearers

We left for a new home
We prayed for God’s guidance
We had to roam

We escaped religious persecution
From England and the Netherlands
America was the solution

We set sail for a long journey
In the New World, we’d make our way
We needed God’s mercy

After months at sea
Many got sick and some died
We were finally filled with glee

Our ship the Mayflower arrived
At Plymouth Rock
We rejoiced we had survived

The first winter was brutal
Sadly, many died
All our efforts seemed futile

By God’s grace
Native Americans came to our aid
As friends, we did embrace

They taught us how to hunt
And fish and grow crops
This gave us encouragement

We ate together and thanked the Lord
Thanksgiving it is called
Our lives were based on God’s Word

The Pilgrims built a theocracy
A government with Christ as the center
It should have been the model, not a democracy

The pluralistic republic which America became
It was modeled after Enlightenment thinking
We needed a theocracy, what a shame

by Zachary Uram
(C) 2024

2 responses to “Our Pilgrim Forebearers”

  1. The pilgrims had to go through a lot of troubled times to succeed! I hope America never forgets all these brave people accomplished!


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