Tag: Roman Catholic

  • The Roman Catholic Church in Analysis

    Background Since its beginning, with the Edict of Thessalonica in 380 AD, making Trinitarian Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic church has, over the centuries, accumulated a vast corpus of doctrine/dogma. These beliefs which have accreted are simply the traditions of man and most have absolutely no basis in Scriptura.…

  • Some Thoughts on Sola Scriptura

    Background The more I interact with Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, and some non-Reformed Protestants, the greater I see the need and absolute necessity of the Reformed principle of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone). Sola Scriptura ensures that our doctrines align with God’s Word. It gives us purity and completeness of doctrine. And it acts as…

  • The Gospel: Defined and Defended

    Background If you ask many people, who espouse Christ and go to church every week, just what is the gospel you will get various responses. Some will say being a “good person” is the gospel. Roman Catholics may say the gospel is that Jesus died for us and is present in a real way in…

  • Mary Deconstructed: Mariology or Mariolatry?

    I’ve seen numerous times on Facebook, Catholics and Orthodox more vigorously and passionately defend their Marian beliefs than they do Christ’s divinity. The emphasis is always on Mary! There are Marian processions with thousands of people carrying a statue of Mary through the streets, there are numerous statues of Mary that people bow to and…

  • The Reformers Didn’t Go Far Enough

    The magisterial Reformers of the Protestant Reformation, men like Calvin, Luther, and Knox, were used mightily by God to restore the preeminence of Scripture and to declare every precept and doctrine taken directly from the Word of God which itself stands as the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith, morality, and praxis.…

  • The Supreme & Critical Importance of Sola Scriptura

    The more I carefully and closely examine Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theologies, the more problems and outright error I find. These theologies were 100% man made. Reformed theology alone is derived directly and solely from Scripture. The Roman Catholics and Orthodox are the blind leading the blind, tossing and drifting alone on the sea…

  • A Critical Examination of Sacramental Theology: Another Gospel?

    The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches both have 7 sacraments, they are roughly the same. The 7 Sacraments celebrated in the Catholic Church are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. Contemporary Orthodox catechisms and textbooks all affirm that the church recognizes seven mystēria (“sacraments”): baptism, chrismation, Communion, holy…

  • The Lost Generations: Christians in America to Become a Minority by 2070

    The Problem I’ve noticed recently some polling showing that young people aged 18-25 are leaving the faith they were raised in record droves! These young apostates are the Millennials and Gen-Z’ers. Some Context Let’s be frank, the real issue here is not that these churches (Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant) didn’t have a good enough youth…

  • Sola Scriptura: Defined and Defended – A Study in Authority Structures

    Background Sola Scriptura, Latin for Scripture Alone, is part of the 5 Solas of the Protestant Reformation. They are a cornerstone of Reformed theology. Sola Scriptura simply means that Scripture is our highest authority in matters of faith and morals. As this statement implies, there are other lesser authorities, but they are always subordinate to…

  • Towards a Godly Theocracy: Enlightenment Secular Ideals, or God’s Word to Govern Us

    Background In this article, I discuss what an ideal theocracy would look like, and why I think a modified theonomy within the context of a constitutional theocracy is the best model for Christian governance. To that end, I posit that the Golden Age in America was during the 17th and early 18th centuries when the…