Tag: Christian

  • Exceptionality: A Discourse on Race, Societal Worth, and Culture

    Many people. in contemporary times, hold it as an article of faith that all societies and cultures are of equal value. I assert this is a myth. If one is intellectually honest, virtually any metric you apply to evaluate and analyze the strengths and weaknesses, and contributions to the vast fields of knowledge, of societies…

  • Race Realism: A Discourse on the Current State of Race in America

    Shakespeare was the greatest writer of all time, besides the Bible – which was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It’s sad so many high schools and universities have dropped the study of the venerable bard and his many works. Too white. Too western. Too Christian. This is the tip of the anti-white,…

  • Altered States Don’t Define Me

    I am quite insaneI have a corrupted brainMy neurotransmittersAre out of syncIt affectsThe way I thinkSome days I’m inA dark malaiseYet, in despairLike hymn writerWilliam CowperChrist – I do praiseSome days I’m onA manic highI need sanityTo come nighAt times I haveTerrifying psychosisYet my mindRemains precociousSometimes I’m delusionalThat is quite unusualI may meow like a…

  • God’s children: Natural Birth or New Birth

    We’ve all heard the popular assertion, “We are all God’s children.”, but is this slogan really a true statement of fact according to Scripture? In this article we shall examine that question and see what Scripture has to say about it. If we carefully study and exegete Scripture relating to this topic, four things stand…

  • Two-Party Tyranny: America Deserves Better

    Background I posit that America is hurting by our two-party political system. For most of the country, there is not even a viable third-party candidate on a local or state level, let alone national. Nearly every single Western democracy has at the very least 3 major political parties, and most have many more. There is…

  • The Chosen: A Reformed Defense of the Show

    The very popular TV series, The Chosen, tells the story of Jesus over the course of 7 seasons (currently on season 3). It has sharply divided Christians as to whether it is proper or not. Some point to the fact that the production company, Angel Studios, was founded in part by 2 Mormons as enough…

  • The New Mission Field

    For generations (some 45-50 years): Gen-X, Millennials, and finally Gen-Z, there has been this popular idea among Christian parents that they could use their children to retake pagan society for Christ. So they were in effect active missionaries when they went to government (public) K-12 schools and universities. This idea has had devastating effects. Instead…

  • The Christian fish symbol

    The fish was used in the Early Church to identify oneself as a Christian. Until the late 4th century Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire and punishable by death. So Christians had to be cautious and take protective measures to avoid detection by the authorities. The acrostic ICHTHUS (ΙΧΘϒΣ) identifies Jesus Christ as God’s…

  • Sexual Immorality & The Church

    According to an article in Relevant magazine, a Christian magazine, that has an analysis of a study done by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy in December 2009 on sexual activity among those who identify as evangelical Christians, aged 18 to 29, in America, a staggering 80% admit to having sex before…

  • Politics in America: Destructive, Divisive and Demonic

    The following is a discussion I had today with a friend on Facebook. She is a Reformed believer. I initially posted: I’m absolutely disgusted by politics! I refuse to waste another second of my life discussing Republicans or Democrats! With the Republican support in Congress for the so-called same-sex marriage bill, the bill was able…