Tag: The West

  • Exceptionality: A Discourse on Race, Societal Worth, and Culture

    Many people. in contemporary times, hold it as an article of faith that all societies and cultures are of equal value. I assert this is a myth. If one is intellectually honest, virtually any metric you apply to evaluate and analyze the strengths and weaknesses, and contributions to the vast fields of knowledge, of societies…

  • A Defense of Western Christian Colonialism

    Much has been asserted in recent years by revisionist historians and neo-Marxist activists claiming the Western colonization of the New World (primarily South America and Central America) and Africa was a great act of evil that brought only unwanted misery and terror. Such superficial and sensationalistic claims are easily refuted using actual history and sound…

  • Daycare: American Dream or Dystopian Nightmare

    One of the most destructive things to negatively impact the family in modern times has been the enormously popular trend of parents having their children raised in daycare, instead of the traditional model where the husband works and the mother is a full-time stay-at-mom who tends to her children’s development with nurturing, care, love, attention,…

  • Transgender insanity

    It is a simple biological fact that you cannot change your sex. Gender = biological sex. There are only 2 sexes, male and female, and thus only 2 genders. This has been the accepted wisdom until the past 20-25 years. Slowly, but surely, as the LGBT movement has grown and become powerful and widely accepted…

  • The sad decline of America and the West

    Sadly my parents divorced when I was 12 years old. It was the single most traumatic event in my life, up until I started suffering from severe mental illness. It has continued to negatively affect me my entire adult life. It’s not something I ever got over. The pain is still raw even nearly 35…

  • American bio labs in Ukraine

    It seems America has been conducting biological warfare research, under direct management by the Pentagon, in Ukraine. So it is even more evidence that Russia has valid reasons for being concerned about Western meddling in Ukraine! According to a senior Department of Defense official, the US has spent $200 million on these labs in Ukraine…

  • Lighting a powder keg

    According to recent reports, America and NATO continue sending hundreds of millions of dollars of military AID to Ukraine ($350 million from America alone) including anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, bombs, and other weapons. This is utterly reckless and stupid! More people will die as a result of these weapons, more Russians will die and it…

  • Atrocities in Ukraine

    I just read this press announcement by the Russian Foreign Ministry! It seems the Zelenskyy nationalist government of Ukraine is using banned weapons to attack the 2 breakaway regions of DPR and LPR! They’ve killed over 13,000 civilians in these regions and destroyed numerous homes and buildings in the past 8 years. The “Zelenskyy is…

  • Abortion Deconstructed

    Since January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court decision in the matter of Roe v. Wade found in favor of the “Jane Roe” (Norma McCorvey), who was seeking an abortion in Texas. The Supreme Court ruled that a woman’s “right” to an abortion was a constitutional right. Even though the US Consitution explicitly affirms the right…

  • Update on Ukraine and Russia

    The mainstream news I’m getting from sources like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, BBC, The Economist is nauseating! Every time a Russian tank is destroyed, a Russian aircraft is shot down, or a Russian soldier is killed they are gleeful and celebratory. Of course, every time…