Month: June 2022

  • The Faithful Five

    Here is some background info on the 5 Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe, thus declaring that abortion is not a constitutional right. The majority opinion, authored by Justice Samuel Alito, was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. Thomas and Kavanaugh also filed concurring opinions. Chief…

  • Abortion in America

    Today, June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson. The ruling overturned the prior decision, by a vote of 6-3. It also overturned the previous decision, by a vote of 5-4, of Roe v. Wade (1973), which legalized abortion nationwide 49 years ago. It also overturned the…

  • America: Designed to Fail?

    I’ve come to realize that most modern appliances and electronics are actually designed with the intent that they will fail within a certain calculated time span. Anywhere from 3-7 years for fridges and 10-14 at the maximum. This failure is implicit in the design specifications, materials used, manufacturing processes, and is well known to those…

  • Women in the Early Church

    Background Orthodox Metropolitan Kallistos Ware describes his view, on the possible ordination of women in the Orthodox church below: Thankfully, most Orthodox oppose the practice and see it absent in church tradition, and the writing of the Church fathers. Kallistos is a theological liberal who has taken up many heresies over the years. This video…

  • Reformed Theology: An Introduction

    Here is a set of 12 videos, by Dr. R.C. Sproul, teaching the basics of Reformed Theology. I highly recommend this video series! Dr. Sproul was a gifted communicator, and conveyor of Reformed theology. Also, if you’re looking for a book, I highly recommend this one, which has the same name as the video series.…

  • Evolution is a hoax

    THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE OF MACRO EVOLUTION, WHERE ONE SPECIES CHANGES INTO A TOTALLY NEW SPECIES. In a recent discussion, a friend who supports evolution offered this site as evidence of evolution in the fossil record: This “evidence” is laughable. As I said to him earlier, he has been utterly brainwashed. All the…

  • A Reformed conversation on nouthetic and biblical counseling

    I just had a very fruitful exchange with a dear brother, Philip, who is Reformed like me, and who suffers from serious mental illness like me, on the topic of my recent blog post on Jay Adam’s nouthetic counseling. If you’d like to read the blog post to see what precisely he responded to you…

  • Sexual Abuse in the Church

    An evangelical pastor, John Lowe II, in Warsaw, Indiana, tried to confess adultery, which happened two decade ago, during a Sunday church service at New Life Christian Church and World Outreach, on May 23rd, 2022, and it goes horribly wrong when the victim reveals she was underage 😳 In fact she was just 16 at…

  • Black America: Many problems, little action

    This meme, which is from a recent article in the New York Post, shows that the overwhelming majority of New York City residents are worried about being the victim of crime. In the vast majority of cases, these crimes are committed by black people. This is the result of a perfect storm in NYC of…

  • The sad tale of Chick-fil-A

    Sorry folks, but Chick-fil-A is not promoting the Biblical values it was created to follow. Once a stalwart defender of Biblical orthodoxy, a lone voice in the corporate world against the insanity and filth of LGBT. Sorry, but it’s now gone woke! Recently, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, shined the shoes of Christian rapper…