
The two-week-long heatwave
Is really bad
The temps in 90s and 100s
Have me feeling stark raving mad

I long to be cool
And free of this heat
A nice chilly home
Sure can’t be beat

The humidity
Is oppressive
I need relief
This stifling air is offensive

The sun is blazing
Please God bring cooler weather
I am sick of this heat
Need temperatures fairer

My window air conditioner
Is struggling
My room is 75 degrees
Ice cold water I’m chugging

by Zachary Uram
(C) 2024

One response to “Heatwave”

  1. Wow this sure was difficult! I think I’m going to write a poem about the heatwave too! Thank God the oppressive hot weather is finally over! It was wonderful to walk in the rain!!


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