Single Reformed Women: Some Anecdotal Evidence of Feminist Influence

I can affirm this! I’ve seen the exact thing regarding “Reformed” women for the past 10 years.

I’ve been a member of some Reformed singles groups, and once biblical womanhood and the patriarchal order of society were mentioned these women would start pushing back hard claiming they have freedom in Christ to have full-time careers, etc. It was very discouraging. They sounded just like the feminists of the world. By the way, nearly all of them identified as complementarians, even though their talking points and attitudes fit squarely in the egalitarian camp. This is why I find patriarchy to be biblical and complementarianism to be unbiblical!

Nothing makes these women get their dander up like a Reformed man saying it is biblical for his future wife to submit to his God-given authority!

It saddens me that older Reformed women (especially these women’s mothers and grandmothers) are not raising up their daughters properly and in line with Scripture.

This perfectly illustrates how completely feminism has infected all strata of society, even the Church!!

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