The Reformers and Anabaptists

Sadly, Reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin both advocated for the murder of those who differed in doctrine such as the Anabaptists.

It’s ironic that Luther, who the Catholic church wanted to murder for his differing doctrine, would himself advocate similarly for the murder of the Anabaptists whom he detested.

Luther favored infant baptism, and not only that he affirmed baptismal regeneration – the doctrine that the act of water baptism (which is a work) is itself salvific.

Calvin likewise affirmed infant baptism as being biblical and he called for the state to execute those who differed on this point of doctrine.

We must not judge too harshly, those who lived in the time of the Reformers, using modern sensibilities. During their time there was no separation between church and state. Having said that, advocating for the murder of dissidents was clearly sinful.

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