Month: June 2024

  • Salvation: One Way or Many?

    The prevailing and dominant position among most people is that there are numerous paths to God and salvation. It teaches that Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jewish, and others will be saved by living a “good life”, and God will judge them on the basis of how many good vs evil works they did. The truth is…

  • Our Pilgrim Forebearers

    We left for a new homeWe prayed for God’s guidanceWe had to roam We escaped religious persecutionFrom England and the NetherlandsAmerica was the solution We set sail for a long journeyIn the New World, we’d make our wayWe needed God’s mercy After months at seaMany got sick and some diedWe were finally filled with glee…

  • Satan Fell Because of Pride

    June in America is apparently “Pride Month”. LGBT will conduct marches, and parades (parading their sin!!!), and hold other events. An entire month to celebrate the sinfulness of man. God has called LGBT beliefs sinful. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for the same sins. I wonder how much longer the post-Christian West has before God…

  • My Testimony: From Darkness to Light

    I grew up in a loving Christian home. My parents were both cradle Catholics who got born again in the early 70s, during the Jesus Movement – which started in the late 60s. My parents were Christian hippies. They grew out of that when we kids were born and they became regular Protestants. At a…

  • My Blessed Childhood

    My first memory is staring out the window and seeing the snowfall on a cold December day, 2 weeks before Christmas. I was 16 months old. I also recall the warm fuzzy sky-blue blanket I was wrapped in. Overall I had a very happy childhood. I had a loving mother and father, and 2 sisters:…

  • My Thoughts

    The past 5 years have been full of joy as well as pain. The last time I was able to take the bus and go grocery shopping at the supermarket was in 2019. By autumn of that year, I had developed spinal stenosis. I am limited to standing or walking for only 2 minutes before…

  • Saturday Morning Reflections

    My back is in sharp painIt’s driving me insane Oh wait, I’m already crazyMy mental illness makes me lazy I have spinal stenosisIt is atrocious I pray for healing to come quickI hate being sick I can only walk or standFor two minutes, it’s out of hand I long to walk, jog, and runBack problems…

  • The Roman Catholic Church is Apostate

    The Roman Catholic church is NOT biblical. It has a false hopeless gospel of works-righteousness, whereby one must work for one’s salvation. At the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic church repudiated the biblical Gospel of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the glory of God…

  • Free Christian E-Book: The Mystery of the Trinity

    This book is a work by New Testament Scholar Vern Poythress who teaches at Westminster Theological Seminary.  It is titled “Mystery and the Trinity” with the subtitle “A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God.” While Poythress official teaching position is New Testament professor I have found him to be skilled in multiple discipline ranging…

  • The Biblical Gospel of Salvation Defined

    Repent ye sinners! Harken unto me! Repent and believe the Gospel of Christ the Lord! If you believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth that Jesus was born of a virgin, led a sinless life as the God Man, and died at Calvary for your sins, and that He was resurrected on the…